Best Test to Practice For Your Canadian Citizenship Exam /45 4 votes, 4 avg 3393 9 - Canada Citizenship Test Canada Citizenship Test - 9 Passing Marks: 80% 1 / 45 Which is Canada’s national sport? Ice hockey Basketball Lacrosse Football 2 / 45 What’s the population of Ontario? 16 million 10 million 14 million 11 million 3 / 45 Which are the official languages of Canada? d) English, Mother Tongue b) French, Spanish a) English, French c) Spanish, English 4 / 45 Which of the following best describes the primary objectives of the Official Languages Act in Canada? Advancing the equal status of French and English within Canadian society. Achieving equality between French and English in Parliament, federal institutions, and government. Supporting and nurturing official language minority communities throughout Canada. All of these 5 / 45 Which language does Métis speak? French Michif English Inuktitut 6 / 45 When did Canadian volunteers, First Nations, and British troops repel an invasion from the United States? 1811-13 1812-14 1813-15 1811-12 7 / 45 Can you vote early in election polls? No Yes 8 / 45 When did the Americans burn the Government House and the Parliament Buildings in York (now Toronto)? 1811 1814 1813 1812 9 / 45 In the War of 1812, which figure took control of Detroit but tragically died near Niagara Falls? Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe Chief Tecumseh Major-General Sir Isaac Brock Lieutenant-Colonel Charles de Salaberry 10 / 45 When did the United States initiate an attempt to take over Canada? June 1812 July 1812 June 1814 July 1814 11 / 45 Who is the Head of the Commonwealth? the King Her Majesty the Sovereign the Queen 12 / 45 In which year did Canadian forces retaliate by burning the White House and several Washington structures? 1812 1814 1813 1811 13 / 45 Which leader, who defeated Napoleon in 1815, helped establish Canada's capital? Baron of Kent Earl of Manchester The Duke of Sussex The Duke of Wellington 14 / 45 Which is Canada’s second largest city? Toronto Halifax Montreal Victoria 15 / 45 Who is Canada’s largest producer of hydro-electricity? New Brunswick Nunavut Quebec Saskatchewan 16 / 45 In Quebec, more than three-quarters speak _____as their first language. Spanish English Chinese French 17 / 45 Who is Canada’s main producer of pulp and paper? Quebec Ontario New Brunswick Nunavut 18 / 45 When did the U.S. effort to take over Canada come to an unsuccessful end? 1811 1814 1813 1812 19 / 45 What’s the population of Quebec? Ten million Five million Eight million Seven million 20 / 45 When did the Canadian national anthem become official? 1995 1985 1982 1980 21 / 45 Metis live in the Prairie provinces who are mixed of Aboriginal and Acadians Inuit and First Nations Indian and Inuit Aboriginal and European 22 / 45 Which game was invented by Canadian James Naismith in 1891? Football Lacrosse Ice hockey Basketball 23 / 45 Who from Nova Scotia led the 1814 mission that burned the White House in Washington? Lieutenant-Colonel Charles de Salaberry Major-General Sir Isaac Brock Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe Major-General Robert Ross 24 / 45 Which main resource fueled Canada's economy for centuries, transported via roads, lakes, rivers, and canals? Timber Fish Fur All of these 25 / 45 Who enforces the laws? Police Court Politician Judge 26 / 45 Which province is known for its pharmaceuticals and aeronautics industries? Nova Scotia British Columbia Quebec Ontario 27 / 45 Who won two gold medals and set a world record in running at the 1996 Summer Olympics? Mark Tewksbury Wayne Gretzky Donovan Bailey Chantal Petitclerc 28 / 45 Which year did the Parliament pass the Official Languages Act? 1969 1965 1927 1940 29 / 45 You need to tell the union representative who you voted for. True False 30 / 45 The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms includes: English and French rights, Multiculturalism, Mobility Rights, Metis and Inuit Peoples’ Rights. Mobility Rights, Metis and Inuit Peoples’ Rights, Official Language Rights, Multiculturalism. Multiculturalism, apply for a passport, Language Rights, Aboriginal Peoples’ Rights. Aboriginal Peoples’ Rights, Official Language Rights, Multiculturalism, Mobility Rights. 31 / 45 In Canada, which of the following is considered one of its symbols? The national dish The national bird The official languages The national dance 32 / 45 When was the Montreal Stock Exchange opened? 1832 1823 1822 1800 33 / 45 In which region of Canada do we experience cold winters and warm humid summers? Coastal British Columbia Prairie Provinces Northern Territories Central Canada 34 / 45 The Sovereign plays an important role as the focus of _______ and allegiance. Patriotism Constitution Nationalism Citizenship 35 / 45 Who, in 1814, directed premier forces to ensure Canada’s protection? None of these All of these The Duke of Wellington The Duke of England 36 / 45 Inuit people have a vast knowledge of ____ that enabled them to live across the Arctic. Land Wildlife Sea All of these 37 / 45 Who settles disputes in Canada? Politician Court Judge Police 38 / 45 What do mobility rights mean? Canadians can apply for a passport. Canadians can live and work anywhere they choose in Canada. All of these Canadians can enter and leave the country freely. 39 / 45 What does a secret ballot mean? Your voting choice will remain secret with your employer. Your voting choice will be secretly announced. Your voting choice will be secretly opened. Your voting choice will remain confidential. 40 / 45 Who is Canada's largest international trading partner? Mexico United States China Russia 41 / 45 Is it allowed for someone to observe you while voting and see your choice? Only election officials can. No, it's private. Yes, always permitted. Only with your permission. 42 / 45 Which city is the second largest mainly French-speaking city in the world after Paris? Gatineau Québec City Montreal Toronto 43 / 45 Which book is recommended for the Citizenship test by IRCC? Discover Canada Discovery of Canada Canada’s History History of Canada 44 / 45 Which event played a significant role in shaping the modern Canada-U.S.A. boundary, ensuring Canada’s independence from the United States? the War of 1811 the War of 1813 the War of 1814 the War of 1812 45 / 45 Which province is internationally renowned for its films, music, literary works, and culinary delights? Manitoba Saskatchewan Quebec Newfoundland and Labrador Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please rate this quiz Send feedback Citizenship Test Quizzes – Set 1 Citizenship Test – 1 Citizenship Test – 2 Citizenship Test – 3 Citizenship Test – 4 Citizenship Test – 5 Citizenship Test – 6 Citizenship Test – 7 Citizenship Test – 8 Citizenship Test Quizzes – Set 2 Citizenship Test – 9 Citizenship Test – 10 Citizenship Test – 11 Citizenship Test – 12 Citizenship Test – 13 Citizenship Test – 14 Citizenship Test – 15 Citizenship Test – 16 Citizenship Test Practice by Chapter Understanding the OathRights and Responsibilities of CitizenshipWho We AreCanada’s HistoryModern CanadaHow Canadians Govern ThemselvesFederal ElectionsThe Justice SystemCanadian SymbolsCanada’s EconomyCanada’s Regions