Canada Citizenship Test Chapter 4: Canada’s History

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Canada's History

Canada Citizenship Test by Chapter

Canada's History

Passing Marks: 80%

1 / 174

Whose portrait is on the $5 bill?

2 / 174

How many Canadians were killed and wounded in the first World War?

3 / 174

Who was the first person to draw a map of Canada’s East Coast?

4 / 174

Who built a fortress in 1608 at what Québec City is now located?

5 / 174

When was Nunavut added to Canada?

6 / 174

How many people sacrificed their lives during world wars?

7 / 174

When did the name Canada become official?

8 / 174

Who suggested merging Upper and Lower Canada with responsible governance?

9 / 174

When was the Montreal Stock Exchange opened?

10 / 174

Which ethnic group was required to pay a race-based entry fee?

11 / 174

In the War of 1812, which figure took control of Detroit but tragically died near Niagara Falls?

12 / 174

Which were the trading posts for The Hudson’s Bay Company?

13 / 174

The French-speaking Catholic people are known as ____.

14 / 174

When was the North West Mounted Police(NWMP) established?

15 / 174

In 1870, which authority dispatched troops to regain control of Fort Garry?

16 / 174

Who said the following “My only reply will be from the mouths of my cannons!” to English?

17 / 174

When did the French and the Iroquois make peace?

18 / 174

Who was the founder of the women’s suffrage movement?

19 / 174

What does July 1 commemorate in Canada?

20 / 174

When was British Columbia added to Canada?

21 / 174

Remembrance day is observed at __ hour of ___ day of ___ month.

22 / 174

Which day is known as the Dominion of Canada?

23 / 174

Where is North West Mounted Police(NWMP) headquarters?

24 / 174

How many years did the Hudson’s Bay Company flag fly over Western Canada prior to Confederation?

25 / 174

What year saw Canada apologize to the Chinese for historical discrimination?

26 / 174

Who spearheaded Quebec's entry into Confederation and played a crucial role in bringing the Northwest Territories, Manitoba, and British Columbia into Canada?

27 / 174

When did European start to explore Canada?

28 / 174

Which statement is accurate regarding the current system of government in relation to a confidence vote in the assembly?

29 / 174

Which day is known as “ the black day of the German Army”?

30 / 174

When was Canada officially born?

31 / 174

Which year did England grant the company exclusive trading rights over the watershed draining into Hudson Bay?

32 / 174

Which flower does Canadian wear on Remembrance day?

33 / 174

Who was a prominent advocate for ending slavery in the U.S.A.?

34 / 174

Who assigned Canada’s national colors in 1921?

35 / 174

From where did the Loyalists who escaped the American Revolution originate?

36 / 174

Who are the members of the British Commonwealth of Nations along with Canada?

37 / 174

When did the U.S. effort to take over Canada come to an unsuccessful end?

38 / 174

In which year did Canadian forces retaliate by burning the White House and several Washington structures?

39 / 174

What day honors over a million who served in wars?

40 / 174

When did the name ‘Canada’ start appearing on maps?

41 / 174

During the American Revolution, how many black Loyalists, both freedmen and slaves, migrated north in search of a better life?

42 / 174

Who was the first French Canadian prime minister?

43 / 174

How many nurses, known as "bluebirds," served in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps?

44 / 174

What was known as Upper Canada?

45 / 174

Who was the first European to explore present-day Québec City and Montreal?

46 / 174

When did Lower Canada's Assembly debate the use of both French and English?

47 / 174

Whose portrait is on the $10 bill?

48 / 174

In the 1600s, the French and Aboriginal people collaborated in which of the following trade economies?

49 / 174

When did Canadian soldiers adopt maple leaf cap badges?

50 / 174

Who renamed the colony the “Province of Quebec”?

51 / 174

What does the Vimy Memorial in France commemorate?

52 / 174

When was New Brunswick’s first representative assembly elected?

53 / 174

Which groups were employed by the Hudson's Bay Company?

54 / 174

Who established the Dominion of Canada on July 1, 1867?

55 / 174

Which day was witnessed as the birth of a nation?

56 / 174

The first four provinces of Canada were____?

57 / 174

When was Halifax, Nova Scotia's first representative assembly elected?

58 / 174

In which year did John Cabot set foot on Newfoundland?

59 / 174

What nickname was given to the thousands of nurses serving in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps?

60 / 174

What is the last line of the poem recited on Remembrance Day?

61 / 174

Who bestowed the company with exclusive trading privileges over the watershed flowing into Hudson Bay?

62 / 174

When Canada acquired the vast northwest from the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1869, were the Métis of the Red River consulted?

63 / 174

Who were the first two French explorers came to Canada in 1604?

64 / 174

When were the first financial institutions opened in Canada?

65 / 174

In the 1920s, what was the public sentiment regarding the British West Indies becoming part of Canada?

66 / 174

Who gave women the right to vote in federal elections?

67 / 174

When did Quebec grant women the right to vote?

68 / 174

Who oversaw the relocation of Loyalists to Nova Scotia and Quebec between 1782 and 1783?

69 / 174

In 1933, what was the rate of unemployment that resulted in the collapse of numerous businesses?

70 / 174

What does the word ‘Kanata’ means?

71 / 174

Who won several victories over the English in the late 17th and early 18th centuries?

72 / 174

Which group of immigrants did the Canadian Pacific Railway enable to settle in Western Canada?

73 / 174

When did France’s empire mark the end in America?

74 / 174

Today, July 1 is celebrated as _____.

75 / 174

Which of the following reasons explains why early Europeans referred to Indigenous people of Canada as “Indians”?

76 / 174

When did the British Parliament first witness a movement to end the transatlantic slave trade?

77 / 174

Which individual from Quebec was the principal architect behind the Confederation?

78 / 174

Who from Nova Scotia led the 1814 mission that burned the White House in Washington?

79 / 174

In the 1860s, who established the dual-level system of federal and provincial governments?

80 / 174

Which commanders were killed during Britain and France battle?

81 / 174

Which investors financed and which laborers built the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) project?

82 / 174

Who refused to surrender Quebec to the English in 1690?

83 / 174

In 1759, the British defeated the _____in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham at Québec City.

84 / 174

How many Canadians served when Britain declared war in 1914 out of a population of eight million?

85 / 174

Who played a crucial role in the triumph at the Battle of Beaver Dams?

86 / 174

The national police force of Canada is

87 / 174

When was Alberta, Saskatchewan added to Canada?

88 / 174

Which figure is recognized as a champion for the rights of the Métis people?

89 / 174

Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?

90 / 174


What are the colors of our National Flag?

91 / 174

Which main resource fueled Canada's economy for centuries, transported via roads, lakes, rivers, and canals?

92 / 174

Who guided thousands of Loyalist Mohawk Indians to settle in Canada?

93 / 174

Who walked 19 miles to alert Lieutenant FitzGibbon of an American attack?

94 / 174

What was the Canadian Pacific Railway often metaphorically called, signifying its stretch from Canada's west coast to the east coast?

95 / 174

When was Prince Edward Island’s first representative assembly elected?

96 / 174

When did Canadian volunteers, First Nations, and British troops repel an invasion from the United States?

97 / 174

Thousands of slaves sought refuge in Canada from the U.S., guided by the "______" of the Underground Railroad, an anti-slavery Christian network.

98 / 174

When were Manitoba, and Northwest Territories added to Canada?

99 / 174

The Atlantic colonies and the two Canadas(Upper and Lower) were known collectively as ______.

100 / 174

In which year did black Nova Scotians establish Freetown in Sierra Leone(West Africa)?

101 / 174

Which group of British colonies declared independence to form the United States in 1776?

102 / 174

Which day is known as the Dominion of Canada?

103 / 174

What fundamental right was the women's suffrage movement striving to secure for women?

104 / 174

Which Act divided the Province of Quebec into Upper Canada and Lower Canada?

105 / 174

How many individuals sought refuge in Nova Scotia and Quebec to escape the turmoil of the American Revolution?

106 / 174

Who was the famed military leader of the Métis?

107 / 174

Who founded the City of York (now Toronto)?

108 / 174

Who was the first leader of a responsible government in Canada in 1849?

109 / 174

In which year, the first European settlement north of Florida was established?

110 / 174

Which group had a profound impact on the lives of Indigenous peoples in Canada?

111 / 174

When were the majority of Canadian women aged 21 and above given the right to vote in federal elections?

112 / 174

Who won bronze medals in the Olympics and served as a captain in the Canadian Army during the Second World War?

113 / 174

Which poem is recited on Remembrance day that was composed in 1915?

114 / 174

What did The Quebec Act restore while maintaining British criminal law?

115 / 174

What did the Canadian Pacific Railway symbolize?

116 / 174

Which provinces formed the new country called the Dominion of Canada?

117 / 174

When was Newfoundland and Labrador added to Canada?

118 / 174

Who was the first province to grant voting rights to women in 1917?

119 / 174

Which of the following periods marks the time when France and Great Britain battled for control of North America?

120 / 174

Who was the first European to explore the St. Lawrence River?

121 / 174

Until 1982, July 1 was celebrated as _____.

122 / 174

Which community faced the imposition of a Head Tax?

123 / 174

During 1939, which group of refugees were among those denied entry to Canada, notably those escaping Nazi Germany?

124 / 174

Who was the first Canadian woman to practice medicine in Canada?

125 / 174

What nickname was given to the period following the 1929 stock market crash that led to the Great Depression?

126 / 174

Who were the first people to live in Canada?

127 / 174

Which era was marked by economic prosperity and low unemployment in Canada?

128 / 174

How many people volunteered to fight in the Boer War?

129 / 174

What year marked the unification of Upper and Lower Canada into the single entity known as the Province of Canada?

130 / 174

What did Lord Durham suggest in the 1830s as the fastest way for the Canadiens to achieve progress?

131 / 174

When did the British Parliament prohibit the buying and selling of slaves?

132 / 174

Who established "The Provincial Freeman" in 1853 in Canada as an anti-slavery weekly newspaper?

133 / 174

Who stood up for the Canadiens' rights and thwarted an American attack on Quebec in 1775?

134 / 174

Who, in 1814, directed premier forces to ensure Canada’s protection?

135 / 174

When did the Americans burn the Government House and the Parliament Buildings in York (now Toronto)?

136 / 174

Why was warfare common among aboriginal people?

137 / 174

What does the term "Dominion of Canada" signify?

138 / 174

Who explored Canada’s Atlantic region, Newfoundland and Labrador?

139 / 174

Which day is recognized as Sir John Macdonald's Day?

140 / 174

Which leader, who defeated Napoleon in 1815, helped establish Canada's capital?

141 / 174

Who was the first woman MP in 1921?

142 / 174

What is the main purpose of The Bank of Canada?

143 / 174

When did the first world war end?

144 / 174

Which province agreed to join Canada in 1871 with the condition of constructing a railway to the West Coast?

145 / 174

When did the United States initiate an attempt to take over Canada?

146 / 174

Who made Ontario the first province to abolish slavery in the British Empire in 1793?

147 / 174

Which legislation granted religious freedom to Catholics and allowed them to hold public office, a right not granted in Britain at the time?

148 / 174

During the capture of Vimy Ridge in April 1917, how many members of the Canadian Corps were killed or wounded?

149 / 174

What was a significant consequence for aboriginals upon the arrival of Europeans in Canada?

150 / 174

Which event played a significant role in shaping the modern Canada-U.S.A. boundary, ensuring Canada’s independence from the United States?

151 / 174

In 1847-48, which colony became the first in British North America to gain full responsible government?

152 / 174

When was The Bank of Canada created?

153 / 174

Who composed the poem that is often recited on Remembrance day?

154 / 174

Who is known as the father of Manitoba?

155 / 174

In which year did the British Parliament enact the British North America Act?

156 / 174

Who along with Aboriginals laid the foundation of Canada in the first 200 years?

157 / 174

What was the source of living for native people?

158 / 174

Who became the Fathers of Confederation?

159 / 174

In which year was the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway completed?

160 / 174

Which of the following statements about the 1600s is true?

161 / 174

Who suggested the term Dominion of Canada in 1864?

162 / 174

Who is known as a champion of French language rights?

163 / 174

When was Yukon Territory added to Canada?

164 / 174

What happened to the rebels after the Rebellions of 1837–38? 

165 / 174

What is the first line of the poem recited on Remembrance Day?

166 / 174

Which group’s ancient settlements in Canada are recognized as a World Heritage site?

167 / 174

In which year did the British Parliament officially end slavery across the Empire?

168 / 174

Who took control of Fort Garry amid the Northwest rebellion in 1869?

169 / 174

Who introduced responsible government in Canada in 1848-49?

170 / 174

What was known as Lower Canada?

171 / 174

What was the present-day Nova Scotia formerly known as?

172 / 174

During the economic booms of the 1890s and 1990s, how many British and Americans immigrated to Canada?

173 / 174

Which act granted Canada its first legislative assemblies elected by the people?

174 / 174

When did the British Parliament pass the Quebec Act?

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“Canada’s History,” a chapter from “Discover Canada,” offers an insightful journey through the nation’s past, beginning with its original inhabitants and culminating in its role in global conflicts of the 20th century.

Aboriginal Peoples and Early Explorations

The chapter commences with the Aboriginal Peoples, emphasizing the diversity and rich heritage of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit. Their longstanding presence and cultures form the bedrock of Canada’s history. The era of European exploration is marked by significant voyages, notably the Norse around 1000 A.D., followed by John Cabot in 1497, laying the groundwork for European territorial claims in North America. Jacques Cartier’s exploration of the St. Lawrence River in the 1530s is particularly highlighted for opening up the region for future French exploration and settlement.

Colonial Rivalries and Settlements

The establishment of Royal New France signifies a critical phase of French colonization, with Samuel de Champlain founding Quebec City in 1608. The chapter outlines the intense rivalry that unfolded between British and French colonists, a struggle that shaped the continent’s future. This period culminated in the British victory in the Seven Years’ War, effectively ending French colonial ambitions in North America.

British Rule and the Formation of Canada

Post-war, the British Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act of 1774 were instrumental in shaping the governance and cultural landscape of Quebec, striking a balance between British control and French cultural rights. The influx of United Empire Loyalists after the American Revolution significantly influenced Canada’s social and political fabric. The chapter also sheds light on the early movements towards democracy in the 19th century, championing figures like Robert Baldwin and Louis-Hippolyte LaFontaine.

Economic Growth and Territorial Expansion

The 19th century saw substantial economic growth and the pivotal War of 1812, crucial for asserting Canada’s sovereignty and resistance against American invasions. The Rebellions of 1837–38 in Upper and Lower Canada are noted for their vital role in the progression towards responsible government, leading up to the Confederation in 1867, a defining moment in Canadian history.

Canada’s Nationhood and Global Involvement

Post-Confederation developments include Canada’s westward expansion, the challenges of integrating diverse regions, and the ambitious project of a transcontinental railway. The 20th century is marked by Canada’s growing international role, evident in its significant contributions to the First World War and the evolution of its national identity, including the enfranchisement of women. The chapter gives due importance to the Second World War, especially the pivotal D-Day Invasion, highlighting Canada’s substantial role in the Allied victory.

“Canada’s History” in “Discover Canada” is a compelling narrative that weaves together the diverse threads of indigenous heritage, European exploration, colonial rivalry, the struggle for self-governance, and the emergence of a unified nation. It emphasizes the key events, figures, and movements that have shaped Canada into a nation known for its democratic values, cultural diversity, and significant role on the global stage.

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