Ready to Be Canadian? Start with Our Citizenship Practice Test /45 1 votes, 5 avg 1836 14 - Canada Citizenship Test Canada Citizenship Test - 14 Passing Marks: 80% 1 / 45 When was the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement signed? 1988 1980 1978 1994 2 / 45 In which year did John Cabot set foot on Newfoundland? 1479 1497 1794 1534 3 / 45 When did Quebec voters reject becoming independent for the second time? 1995 1982 1980 1985 4 / 45 Who were the first two French explorers came to Canada in 1604? Samuel de Champlain, Colonel John Graves Simcoe Samuel de Champlain, Sir Guy Carleton Pierre de Monts, Samuel de Champlain Pierre de Monts, Sir Guy Carleton 5 / 45 Canada is divided into the following regions: Atlantic Provinces, Central Canada, Prairie Provinces, East Coast, Southern Territories Atlantic Provinces, Central Canada, Prairie Provinces, East Coast, Northern Territories Atlantic Provinces, Central Canada, Prairie Provinces, West Coast, Southern Territories Atlantic Provinces, Central Canada, Prairie Provinces, West Coast, Northern Territories 6 / 45 What is the capital city of Ontario? Victoria Quebec Montreal Toronto 7 / 45 Which symbol is commonly found on Canada's dollar bills, government documents, and public buildings? The Beaver The Lily Flower The Crown The Coat of Arms 8 / 45 Canada constitutes 3 main regions Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Arctic Circle Ontario, Quebec, USA Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Atlantic Colonies 9 / 45 What is the capital city of Newfoundland and Labrador? Fredericton Charlottetown Iqaluit St. John’s 10 / 45 What is the capital city of Nova Scotia? Halifax Regina Yellowknife Iqaluit 11 / 45 In which year, the first European settlement north of Florida was established? 1601 1602 1604 1603 12 / 45 Poets and songwriters have hailed Canada as the Great Canada Dominion of Canada Great Country Great Dominion 13 / 45 What is the capital city of Alberta? Whitehorse Winnipeg Charlottetown Edmonton 14 / 45 What does “A mari usque ad mare” mean? from sea to sea around the universe sea to sea around the earth 15 / 45 Which of the following is recognized as a primary Canadian icon? The Crown The Maple leaf The Snowbirds The Coat of Arms 16 / 45 When did European start to explore Canada? 1479 1497 1534 1794 17 / 45 What is the population of Canada? 38 million 35 million 33 million 36 million 18 / 45 What does the word ‘Kanata’ means? People River Village Canada 19 / 45 Who explored Canada’s Atlantic region, Newfoundland and Labrador? Aboriginals Europeans Vikings English 20 / 45 Who is appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister? The member of Parliament The Premier The Senator The Mayor 21 / 45 Members of the House of Commons are also known as members of Parliament or MPs. False True 22 / 45 What is the capital city of British Columbia? St. John’s Toronto Vancouver Victoria 23 / 45 Does each province and territory of Canada have its own capital city? Yes No 24 / 45 When did the name ‘Canada’ start appearing on maps? The 1550s The 1500s The 1440s The 1400s 25 / 45 What is the capital city of Saskatchewan? Regina Manitoba Halifax Edmonton 26 / 45 In 1994, which country joined NAFTA, expanding the agreement to a significant market size by 2008? Russia China US Mexico 27 / 45 The members of Parliament elected by the people after every ___ years? 10 5 2 4 28 / 45 Three founding peoples of Canada are Aboriginal, French and British Metis, French and English European, French and English Indian, French and British 29 / 45 What is the capital city of Quebec? Québec City Montreal Ottawa Toronto 30 / 45 What is the capital city of Nunavut? Whitehorse Iqaluit Yellowknife Fredericton 31 / 45 How big is the National Capital Region of Canada? 4500 km² 4700 km² 5000 km² 4570 km² 32 / 45 Who were the first people to live in Canada? Europeans Vikings English Aboriginals 33 / 45 When do the Federal elections take place? the fourth Monday in November every three years the fourth Monday in October every three years the third Monday in November every four years the third Monday in October every four years 34 / 45 Who was the first European to explore present-day Québec City and Montreal? Sir Arthur Currie Jacques Cartier King Charles John Cabot 35 / 45 What is the capital city of Prince Edward Island? Fredericton Yellowknife Whitehorse Charlottetown 36 / 45 What is the capital city of New Brunswick? Edmonton Winnipeg Fredericton Halifax 37 / 45 What is the capital city of Manitoba? Saskatchewan Edmonton Victoria Winnipeg 38 / 45 Which group did Canada create in 1970 for nations that use the French language? French Associates Association of French La Francophonie Francophones 39 / 45 In which year did Quebec voters say "no" to becoming its own country for the first time? 1982 1995 1985 1980 40 / 45 What is the national motto found on Canada's official coat of arms? A mari usque ad mare A mari usque and mare A mare usque ad mari A mare ad mari usque 41 / 45 Who was the first person to draw a map of Canada’s East Coast? Mary Ann Shadd Cary John Cabot King Charles Jacques Cartier 42 / 45 Can voters re-elect the same members of the House of Commons? No Yes 43 / 45 Which symbol is not found in Canada's coat of arms? England, France Red maple leaves Purple Lilies Scotland, Ireland 44 / 45 Who was the first European to explore the St. Lawrence River? Donald Smith Mary Ann Shadd Cary King Charles Jacques Cartier 45 / 45 Which group’s ancient settlements in Canada are recognized as a World Heritage site? Vikings Aboriginals English Europeans Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please rate this quiz Send feedback Citizenship Test Quizzes – Set 1 Citizenship Test – 1 Citizenship Test – 2 Citizenship Test – 3 Citizenship Test – 4 Citizenship Test – 5 Citizenship Test – 6 Citizenship Test – 7 Citizenship Test – 8 Citizenship Test Quizzes – Set 2 Citizenship Test – 9 Citizenship Test – 10 Citizenship Test – 11 Citizenship Test – 12 Citizenship Test – 13 Citizenship Test – 14 Citizenship Test – 15 Citizenship Test – 16 Citizenship Test Practice by Chapter Understanding the OathRights and Responsibilities of CitizenshipWho We AreCanada’s HistoryModern CanadaHow Canadians Govern ThemselvesFederal ElectionsThe Justice SystemCanadian SymbolsCanada’s EconomyCanada’s Regions