Vancouver Library Citizenship Test /44 3 votes, 4.7 avg 2424 10 - Canada Citizenship Test Canada Citizenship Test - 10 Passing Marks: 80% 1 / 44 Which groups were employed by the Hudson's Bay Company? All of these Aboriginal French British 2 / 44 The Constitution of Canada was amended in ____ by ___. 1982, Queen Elizabeth III 1981, Queen Elizabeth II 1981, Queen Elizabeth III 1982, Queen Elizabeth II 3 / 44 What is the name of the continuously updated permanent database of eligible electors for federal elections in Canada? Elections Canada Voters’ List National Register of Electors National Register of Elections 4 / 44 Which language does Inuit speak? Inuktitut French Michif English 5 / 44 Which capital city has played an important role in Atlantic trade and defense? Regina Halifax Iqaluit Fredericton 6 / 44 When did the British Parliament first witness a movement to end the transatlantic slave trade? In the late 1700s In the late1600s In the late 1500s In the late 1800s 7 / 44 In which year did the British Parliament officially end slavery across the Empire? 1793 1853 1807 1833 8 / 44 What is the symbol of Hudson’s Bay Company? The Lily Flower The Beaver The Snowbirds The Maple Leaf 9 / 44 What is a symbol of Canadian sovereignty? His Majesty Queen’s Majesty Her Majesty King’s Majesty 10 / 44 Which is Canada’s only officially bilingual province? New Brunswick Quebec Toronto Ontario 11 / 44 Which artist developed modern Inuit art with etchings, prints, and soapstone sculptures? Louis-Philippe Hébert Kenojuak Ashevak Jean-Paul Riopelle Emily Carr 12 / 44 What is the name of the second largest river system on North America’s coastline? The lake Superior River system The lake Huron River system The St. John River system The Lake Michigan River system 13 / 44 ____ is the principal Francophone Acadian centre. Charlottetown Fredericton Iqaluit Moncton 14 / 44 Which symbol can be seen on the five-cent coin? The Beaver The Maple Leaf The Crown The Lily Flower 15 / 44 Who is known as the head of government? the Queen the Sovereign the Prime Minister the Federal 16 / 44 How does Elections Canada notify you about your voting information when election is announced? They don’t notify you, you need to visit their office and ask. They mail you a voter information card. They call you and provide the voter information They email you a voter information card. 17 / 44 What elements are included in Canada's legal system? Judicial decisions based on public opinion Freedom of movement only Immediate justice without trial The rule of law, freedom, and due process 18 / 44 Which foundational principles are recognized at the beginning of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? The supremacy of the military and the justice system The supremacy of God and the rule of law The power of the monarch and parliamentary democracy The authority of the provinces and national unity 19 / 44 Sir Ernest MacMillan and Healey Willan were renowned ____. Novelists Artists Musicians Historians 20 / 44 About what % Canadians work in service industries? 75 50 70 90 21 / 44 When did the British Parliament prohibit the buying and selling of slaves? 1833 1807 1793 1853 22 / 44 Which sport boasts the highest number of registered players in Canada? Basketball Soccer Hockey Skating 23 / 44 When can you be added to the voters’ list? any time on election day any time, including on election day prior to election day 24 / 44 When were the first financial institutions opened in Canada? In the late 16th and early 17th In the late 17th and early 18th In the late 19th and early 20th In the late 18th and early 19th 25 / 44 Which sport, with ancient roots, was originally played by Canada’s Aboriginal peoples? Hockey Curling Football Lacrosse 26 / 44 Which symbol can be seen on the coats of arms of Saskatchewan and Alberta? The Beaver The Maple Leaf The Crown The Lily Flower 27 / 44 Which province was founded by the United Empire Loyalists? Prince Edward Island New Brunswick St. John’s Quebec 28 / 44 What makes up Central Canada? British Columbia and Ontario Quebec and Alberta Québec City and Toronto Quebec and Ontario 29 / 44 Who established "The Provincial Freeman" in 1853 in Canada as an anti-slavery weekly newspaper? Mary Ann Shadd Cary Chief Tecumseh Major-General Sir Isaac Brock Lieutenant-Colonel John Graves Simcoe 30 / 44 Which were the trading posts for The Hudson’s Bay Company? Fort Garry All of these Fort Victoria Fort Langley 31 / 44 Which name was given to the Québécois artists who specialized in modern abstract art? Québécois artistic Canadian painters Les Automatistes Québécois Automatistes 32 / 44 Who notifies you when elections are called with your voting information? Voters’ List Elections Canada National Register of Elections National Register of Electors 33 / 44 Who made Ontario the first province to abolish slavery in the British Empire in 1793? Major-General Sir Isaac Brock Chief Tecumseh Mary Ann Shadd Cary Lieutenant-Colonel John Graves Simcoe 34 / 44 What does ‘the Inuit’ mean? The youth The generation The people The language 35 / 44 Who was a prominent advocate for ending slavery in the U.S.A.? Major-General Sir Isaac Brock Lieutenant-Colonel John Graves Simcoe Mary Ann Shadd Cary Chief Tecumseh 36 / 44 Who founded the City of York (now Toronto)? Major-General Sir Isaac Brock Mary Ann Shadd Cary Chief Tecumseh Lieutenant-Colonel John Graves Simcoe 37 / 44 The Atlantic colonies and the two Canadas(Upper and Lower) were known collectively as ______. Canada Kanata British North America Central Canada 38 / 44 What describes immigrants maintaining individuality yet contributing to and unifying with Canada's character? Immigrants should prioritize new loyalties over their original traditions and individuality. Immigrants are expected to contribute to the national character while retaining their individuality and forming a new, united tradition. Immigrant groups should only interact within their own communities, without influencing the national character. Immigrants should completely adopt the existing national character, abandoning their own traditions. 39 / 44 In which two provinces are more than three-quarters of all Canadian manufactured goods produced? Ontario and Saskatchewan Ontario and Quebec Ontario and Alberta Ontario and Prince Edward Island 40 / 44 Thousands of slaves sought refuge in Canada from the U.S., guided by the "______" of the Underground Railroad, an anti-slavery Christian network. The Escape Ring The Escape Group The North Star The Tunnel 41 / 44 Which Atlantic province has the second largest river system on North America’s coastline? New Brunswick Northwest Territories British Columbia Nova Scotia 42 / 44 Which province is known for Loyalist and French cultural heritage? Quebec New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nunavut 43 / 44 What does the blindfolded Lady Justice symbolize in the context of the legal system? Disregard for considerations but awareness of the acts Indifference to all facts but the considerations Impartiality to all considerations but the facts Ignorance of crimes but not the facts 44 / 44 In which region do more than 50% of Canadians live? the Lake Superior and the Great Lakes the Lake Ontario and the Lake Superior the Lake Ontario and the Great Lakes the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please rate this quiz Send feedback Citizenship Test Quizzes – Set 1 Citizenship Test – 1 Citizenship Test – 2 Citizenship Test – 3 Citizenship Test – 4 Citizenship Test – 5 Citizenship Test – 6 Citizenship Test – 7 Citizenship Test – 8 Citizenship Test Quizzes – Set 2 Citizenship Test – 9 Citizenship Test – 10 Citizenship Test – 11 Citizenship Test – 12 Citizenship Test – 13 Citizenship Test – 14 Citizenship Test – 15 Citizenship Test – 16 Citizenship Test Practice by Chapter Understanding the OathRights and Responsibilities of CitizenshipWho We AreCanada’s HistoryModern CanadaHow Canadians Govern ThemselvesFederal ElectionsThe Justice SystemCanadian SymbolsCanada’s EconomyCanada’s Regions